Here's some more about us
Thank you for your interest in Rhema International Church. While we are a relatively young communion, we are committed to being active around the world. Whatever your background and experience in local churches, most likely you will find some similarities and differences in Rhema International Church
Our worship has Apostolic Biblical base...
The worship begun in the early church provides a consistency with true apostolic and Biblical faith. We incorporate contemporary music, strong personal ministry, and practical teaching.
Our teaching has a Biblical base...
The Word of God is the centre of all our preaching and practice.
Our ministry has a spiritual base...
The power and work of the Holy Spirit underlines the activities of the ministry one to another, in the life of the church, and in our outreach to the world around us.
Our fellowships have a family base...
More than a church, we desire to become a spiritual family, where we enjoy living out our Christian faith together. Yes, our worship may be a little different, but we believe you will find this difference refreshing and spiritually uplifting. We also believe you will experience the Lord in our services and His love in our people.
The Foundation of our ministry
From the beginning of the church after the resurrection of Christ, many men and women have faithfully served the one, holy and apostolic Church From the richness of our historic heritage we are currently seeking a recovery of the beauty and authenticity of the ancient liturgies, symbols of worship, and the regular celebration of the Holy Communion, which the early Christians observed weekly. While some have looked at these early liturgies and called them “dead form, we have found that forms are neither dead nor alive, but only true or false; it is people who are either dead or alive spiritually. What we are discovering are true forms that can be used by people who are spiritually alive!
As a precious possession of Christian faith, we hold to the Holy Scriptures as the inspired, infallible Word of God and that they contain all things necessary to salvation and godly living. We are committed to faithful reading, studying, teaching, and preaching from the Bible as a wellspring for spiritual maturity. We also embrace the Evangelical distinctive that underline the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, a holy life, evangelism, and missions.
A distinguishing mark of The Rhema International outreach ministry is our openness to the work of the Holy Spirit. God’s people have always been spiritually gifted people. From the apostles all the way through the modem Pentecostal and Charismatic movements, Christians have been endowed with power beyond themselves… from the Holy Spirit Himself. This means we not only allow, but anticipate, His presence and working through His spiritual gifts, both in our worship and daily acts of service.
We believe God is doing something very special in our day. In churches across our nation and around the world, He is removing religious barriers and blending together the three strands of the church into one strong cord. This is the commitment of Rhema International outreach Ministry where in our worship and approach to faith, we are seeking to express all three elements together. (By celebrating the best of church History, Combining that with the spirit’s renewing and regathering work of harvest.) We are honoured to be a part of God’s great revival in His Church.